DCC mobile decoder, Stay Alive support, Train Next18 NMRA, 18 pin, H0 scale, 870015
DCC mobile decoder, Stay Alive support, Train Next18 NMRA, 18 pin, H0 scale, 870015
Please read this before placing an order
You need to connect a 1K(1000ohm) 1/4Watt or 1.5K(1500ohm) 1/8 Wattother valuein series resistor when you use the function wires with LED to limit the LED current.
(Attention) DCC voltage. Please make sure your DCC voltages are below 16V. We
Recommends track voltage at 12V. Read below to understand everything about DC voltage. Above
Voltage can cause irreparable damage to the decoder. We don't accept dispute if your voltage is over 16V and burn the decoders. If your track voltage cannot lower to 16V, please do not order our decoders.
Dcc decoders 870015
With Next18Pin + blue wire and black wire for connecting Stay Alive kits